Thursday, October 8, 2009 By: Rustanto

kimchi, the first challenging food in Korea

I really realized that I will find so many food that totally differ from my own country, either type, smell or taste. Koreans serve kimchi at almost every meal, and few Koreans can last more than a few days before cravings get the better of them. I tested kimchi, for the first time,'s really soar, spicy and I could not accept it. Most of international student did not like it.

and the time passed, now I'm very accustomed to enjoy kimchi whenever I want. It seemed incomplete if I had not eaten kimchi. Maybe this strange, but that's the reality. I like it now. Kimchi Cuseo, the words I asked when eating at Korean restaurants, because kimchi was ran out before all the food presented completely ... And think I like it so much after when the class was introduced efficacy of kimchi, including preventing cancer and good for health ... kimchi, why not ...?

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